Thursday, September 20, 2012

Claire's Apartment Tour

Okay, so it might not be big enough to qualify as a tour, but that's alright. :)

I hope you like it--let me know what you think, or if you have any other ideas to make it look like home. Jordan and my parents helped me move things in and unpack, and I was grateful for their help. I'd still be unpacking without them! And a huge, huge thank you to everyone who has moved all of my junk around the country--it went from Abilene to Lubbock, Lubbock to Boise, Boise to Portland, and Portland to my apartment.

 I'm also indebted to Jordan's cousin Kelsey--she ensured that I wouldn't be homeless when I got here and sweetly offered to let me stay in her condo for a while. Thanks again, Kelsey!!

(The best part, for sure.)

Sorry this took so long to upload! Hopefully you could get a little sense of where I live. :)

Jordan and I are heading to the coast on Saturday! I haven't been yet, so I'm really excited. I'll make sure I write a post about that when we get back.


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